Crack A Card Privacy Policy

Information Collected

Crack A Card only saves data required to maintain widget customizations and is stored locally on device. It does not collect any other data.

Data Collected by Apple

Crash logs and basic information is collected by Apple and iOS to report application crashes so that bugs may be fixed. See Apple's privacy policy here


This application uses Scryfall's public APIs. Scryfall can collect information about their frequency and usage of their APIs. Privacy Policy

Ads and Analytics

Crack a Card does not use any ads or analytics frameworks

Changing or Deleting Information

Removing the application will remove data from your device

California Online Privacy Protection Act Compliance

We comply with the California Online Privacy Protection Act. We therefore will not distribute your personal information to outside parties without your consent.

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act Compliance

We never collect or maintain information at our website from those we actually know are under 13, and no part of our website is structured to attract anyone under 13.

Your Consent

By using our site or apps, you consent to our privacy policy.

Contacting Us

Support is at

Changes to this Policy

If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on this page. Summary of changes so far: